Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why I'm leaving

There are alot of reasons I'm moving back to Alaska without my husband, none of which involve plans for divorce. I hate the town/school/job market here, and loved the town/school/job market in Fairbanks. He will be in town for minimal amounts of time for the next six months. He works insane hours when he is in town. I have a close friend in Fairbanks who has cancer and would really appreciate me moving back up there to be by her this fall while she goes through treatment.
But mostly I'm moving because I don't want to live here. The Army decided my husband had to move here and I came along. But I've decided this town isn't for me, so I'm leaving.
Alot of people will say long distance relationships are too hard to make work. But his job guarentees we will spend alot of time apart anyway, if the long distance part was going to break us up, it would have by now.
Other people say that he might die next time he deploys, I should stay and cherish the time we have together. Well, he could die next time he deploys. Or he could die next week hit by a car. Or I could get killed in a freak snow shoveling accident this winter. You can't plan your life around the fact that you or your spouse might die. And as for staying and spending time with him, he isn't here to spend time with. So why should I live by myself in a town I don't want to live in, when I could live by myself where I want to live?
Anyway... I spoke this week with the Admittance office at University of Alaska Fairbanks, and they should be able to push through the paperwork and get me readmitted in time to take classes this fall.
And I have a telephone interview tommorrow (wish me luck!) for a job at a different department of the old place I worked at. I would have loved to work in my old department, but no openings right now. Oh well.


liberal army wife said...

I hope you get the job and the slot at the U. If that is what works for you - cool!

liberal army wife said...

have you heard anything??? I am keeping my fingers crossed....


liberal army wife said...

so...????? did you get the job? Since I am looking at moving soon, living amongst the boxes and looking at jobs/lack thereof, I'm nosy!